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Hello World

Hello world! My name is The Web Logger. Did you know that blog is short for web log? Ya, me neither. Whoever shortened words that way needs to be sent to the electric chair.

If you are wondering about starting your first blog. My advice is "Don't". It's not as easy as you might think. I've been sitting here for about 5 hours staring at this blank page with no idea what to say. After typing this rubbish, I now have written maybe 5 sentences. And I need to still write 45 sentences to maybe fill this page of blog post. I feel like I'm back in high school writing essays again.

Maybe writing is your thing. Maybe it will be easy for you. Especially for people who has something they desperately need to share with people on the Internet, I imagine they'll be very motivated to do this.

For me, the struggle is that I feel this is too time consuming. Even if I know what I want to say (not that I do), it still just takes too much time to type out each word. And if you have to think about what to write, and then review what you have written, it makes things triply worse.

And in the end, no one will probably ever read this. So I just wasted 10 hours of my life doing nothing.

My understanding is that you have to fill the blog post with valuable information that people are searching for. That's how people will probably discover your post / blog - through search engines. Otherwise, you might as well write the post on a paper and then burn it for warmth, because even though it's on the Internet, no one will ever find it. It's probably more secure and private than writing it on a paper and putting it in a safe.

But just in case someone is reading this, I hope you have enjoyed it.


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