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How to Manage Labels in Blogger

It's not that Blogger doesn't have the functionality of managing labels or they don't have the capability to provide such a functionality. It's just that Google, for some reason, really don't want you to find it.

That being said, there ARE ways you can manage labels. And in this post, I'll show you where to find it and how to use it.

Suppose you have some labels, what you might want to do is
  • Batch change posts from one label to another
  • Delete a label
  • Rename a label
We will go over these use cases one by one.

Change the Label of Posts

Single Post

If you just want to change the labels of a single post, that's easy. Just edit the post, and in the Post settings section, change the labels.
Screenshot of Post Settings Section When Editing a Single Post

Multiple Posts

But if you want to change multiple posts, it's not so straight forward, but still reasonable.
Screenshot of Changing Label for Multiple Posts in the Posts Menu
In the Posts menu of Blogger, select the posts that you want to change from old label to a new label. Then click the label button next to the Publish button and click on the new label. This assigns the new label to those posts.

Now to remove the old label, you have to click on the old label from the same drop-down list to toggle it off from those posts. That means the posts you selected have to have the same old label, so you can toggle it off together. Otherwise, select the posts with the same old label, and toggle it off.

Delete A Label

Deleting a label is not so obvious or well explained. What Blogger does is that when a label is not assigned to any posts, it's automatically deleted / hidden. So what we need to do is select all the posts with the label you want to delete, then use the same procedure from above to toggle that label off of those posts. When that label is toggled off from all posts, it will be automatically deleted / hidden.
Screenshot of Posts Menu with Highlight to Buttons Needed to Delete Label
In the Posts menu of Blogger, filter the posts with the label you want to delete at the top right corner next to the search bar.

Select all posts from the filtered result and use the procedure described above for changing labels to toggle the label off.

When the label is toggled off from all posts, it should disappear from the drop-down list. If it still exists, try filter the posts with that label again, and retry the process.

Rename A Label

In a sense, Blogger doesn't allow you to rename a label directly. The workaround for that is to create a new label with the correct name, and then follow the process of changing label and change all posts with the incorrectly named label to the new label with the correct name.

When all posts have been changed, the incorrectly named label would automatically disappear.


I hope this tutorial has been helpful. Thanks for reading.



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